
"But it's only a drug test...!"

If you love to read long court summaries where a drug test collector gets himself raped through the ear, you're going to totally dig this:


Basically, here's what happened. This woman goes in for a DOT drug test, is found positive for THC, and then walks away with $120,000 in medical expenses, emotional distress and lost wages. Why? Because the collector screwed up.

The collector admitted that his office did not carry a copy of the DOT regulations, did not secure the bathroom before the donor went in, did not instruct the donor to wash her hands and failed to add a bluing agent to the toilet bowl.

Whether or not the woman's story about the collector mixing her sample up with some other donor's sample is true is completely irrelevant. Point is, admitting the first couple blunders before a jury is just giving credence to anything else someone else wants to pile on top of it.

This is the reason I'm a total nazi about following the collection regulations. This is why everyone empties their pockets, washes their hands and reads the form. One little slip-up and my company is out $120,000

Note that I'm not disagreeing with the verdict; heck, if I saw an opportunity to cash in on a slipshot drug test collection, I'd gobble it up.

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