
Ahem... well...

Not 24 hours after that tirade about how important it is that drug test procedures, no matter how silly or inane, must be followed to the letter, I get a phone call from our lab saying all the collections I took yesterday have the wrong date on them.

So, color me retarded.

Let's see... 25 botched collections at $120,000 a piece... that's $3 million I just lost my company. Hooray! I am so fired.

Not really. Don't worry folks, looks like the Peemeister is here to stay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ricky!

Your blog is fun to read, all the way across the pond. Anyway. It would be nice to hear about your current situation. Are you still the peemeister? What about the changes in your worksituation?

Keep writing those blogs!