
Why I love the ER blogs.

In the past month of no updates I have probably sat down to type something here about three dozen times, at least. Every single time, though, I had to erase what I had written because I realized all I was really doing was ranting like a lunatic. Which can admittedly be fun to read, but it's not the kind of stuff I like to write. I like relaying quirky stories about weird people taking drug tests, not six paragraphs of "rawr everyone is an idiot but me, rabble rabble rabble."

A lot of things have gone down in the tiny peemeister offices these past few weeks, and some of them have left me a bit shaken. But it's all office politics stuff, which isn't the focus of my blogging. It has cut me though, sometimes deeper than I would have figured was possible. Changes are happening, some good, some bad. Management has woken up and is starting to make some decisions... again, some good, some bad. Anyway, all the politicking has left me unable or unwilling to document the various zaniness I've come across while conducting my collections, and for that I apologize.

Things are starting to settle a little, I think.

One of the new decisions is the arbitrary blocking of half the internet from all our computers. I disagree with the decision for basically selfish reasons: I like the internet and I get cranky when it's taken away from me. I feel that in an office of a dozen or so people, if it's found that someone is abusing MySpace or whatever you can just block that address from that machine and be done with it. Er, there I go, ranting again. I'll stop now.

Anyway, the criteria for what is blocked and what isn't is pretty strange. Websites I used to hit once a day (comics, news sites, educational sites, and a forum or two) are gone now, even though I'm the only person in the office who would ever dream of visiting them. However, sites like LiveJournal and Blogger are unblocked, so I've been filling my days reading a lot more blogs than I used to.

I've never been much of a blog guy. I really love writing and sharing my experiences, but I don't take a lot of pleasure in reading the rants of others. There are several blogs I check daily, but they're either videogame related (and thus of no real value to anyone except gamers) or they're the awesome cream-of-the-crop blogs that everyone is already reading anyway. Maybe I'll put the links up someday.

For some reason though, I have discovered that I love the ER blogs. I love them. I can't get enough. I don't know how I found the first one, but after I finished the archives I pulled a random link from its blogroll and plowed through another one. The ER blogs captivate me.

I'm not really interested in the medical industry, even though I kinda sorta work in it (in the same way the janitor at CBS works in the "entertainment industry"). And a lot of the ER blogs are the "everyone is an idiot but me" rants I tend to roll my eyes at. So why do I love them so much? I think it's the combination of two things. First, they do have a point. Anyone who's sat an an ER for any length of time at peak hours sees the kind of absolute crap hospital employees deal with on a daily basis. It's enough to make anyone jaded. And second, jaded or not, the work they do is incredibly difficult and I would probably have a coronary just thinking about it.

In a few ways, reading all those ER blogs helped me realize that a lot of the petty nonsense I'm putting up with at work right now is just that: petty nonsense. I know perfectly well that my laziness and lack of compassion preclude me from ever doing the important and often thankless work they do. So I offer my heartfelt thanks to all of them, especially the ones who blog about their daily grind and share their experiences with the rest of us.

Here are three of the best ones I came across, which have made it onto my "check these daily" list:

Please note: this isn't any indication that the peemeistering is going to pick up anytime soon. Here's hoping, though!

1 comment:

Ambulance Driver said...

thanks for the linky love, Ricky!