
Peemeister no more...

Today is my last day at the pee clinic. The office is closing down. All of our clients have been notified, of course, so absolutely nobody has been in today for a drug test. I'm taking this time to box up all the little odds and ends to make life easier for the guys who come with a pickup truck over the weekend to cart off all the furniture.

As I understand it, my office just became unprofitable because our landlord happens to be our biggest and nearest competitor. I would rather my bosses just find a new office in the same location, but there might be forces at work I don't quite understand.

I took a job at the main office. I'll be doing something computer-y, which means I won't be taking collections anymore. It also means I won't have eight hours a day to play PlayStation or read internet forums. It also means I'll have to get used to putting up with co-workers again, after three years. Rats.

So, I'll no longer be the Peemeister.

This, of course, means a radical change has to be made to this blog. I foresee one of two things happening:

1) Without new Peemeister stories, there'll be no reason to update, and the blog will just fall into disuse. Sad, but true. Nobody wants to read "The Crazy Adventures of the Guy Who Typesets Marketing Brochures" or "Mr. I Answer Phones All Day Isn't That Nuts!?".

2) The Peemeister stories will continue, and actually get better. Remember, I'm just a lowly collection site. I don't deal in results. People don't complain to me about tests coming back positive, so I don't get to hear the absolutely awesome excuses folks concoct to get their butt out of the wood chipper.

Here's an example one of the home-base folks has told me: a woman's urine test came back positive for cocaine, and she was notified of it. She was not on any medication that would flag a false positive for cocaine. Her excuse was that her boyfriend does a lot of cocaine, and she did not wash her feminine crevasse between her most recent sexual encounter and her drug test.

In other words, she claims it wasn't her urine that came back positive, but her boyfriend's semen which was still lingering around in her vagina.

I mean, that's good stuff, right?

So right now it's "wait and see". Could be my bosses are just biding their time for a few months after which they'll open up a new office and will, once again, be in need of a Peemeister.

If that happens, I'll be back here on the front lines.

My office is equipped with a brand new microwave and mini-fridge. I intend to keep both of them as souvenirs.

1 comment:

Fomar0153 said...

Won't they realise the're missing both a fridge and a microwave?