

First thing this morning is a phone call. It's an adventurous one. It's from Mr. Coffee.

Mr. Coffee came in for his drug test some time ago and asked lots of questions. Generally this is the sign of someone looking for a loophole to slip through. I believe in giving absolutely concise one-word answers to questions like these, and then directing them to call my bosses for more information. Questions of this nature include "Does x show up on a drug test?" where x is anything from poppyseed muffins to aspirin to coffee.

Yes, we've all seen that episode of Seinfeld. And yes, it's got some basis in fact. It is possible for perfectly normal, legal items to show up as illegal drugs on a drug test. However, if the smart scientist guy from our lab is right, it's also possible to discern the difference between an innocent bagel and black tar heroin. As a rule, no, the things you eat and drink cannot provide a false positive.

Coffee, however, will not show on a test. That's just absurd. Everyone in America would be failing every drug test they took if coffee provided a positive. Even the harshest 10-panel tests I do collections for don't look for caffeine. Heck, the amount of Pepsi I drink on a daily basis would cause me to fail my own tests if that were the case.

Nonetheless, Mr. Coffee insists that our test screwed him because he drank a lot of coffee that morning.

He begins, in his best politely annoyed voice: "Hi, this is Mr. Coffee. I was in for a test about a month ago for a job and it said I was positive."

"All the test results go back to our main office. I, in fact, never see them. You'll have to call them for more information." I begin to provide the phone number, but he cuts me off.

"Yeah, I already called them right before calling you, they said to call you since you're the one who did the test and you're the one who said coffee doesn't show up."

Coffee? Surely this gentleman is kidding.

"I find that odd, sir, as the main office doesn't open until 9:00 am, and under no circumstances would they have directed you to me." It's 8:06 am. I haven't even had my first Pepsi yet.

"But you're the guy who did my test."

"Actually, I don't do any testing here, and I never see the results. You'll have to call the main office after nine for more information."

"I read that coffee shows up on a test and I just want to know why you lied to me."

Coffee? Surely this gentleman is kidding.

"I don't know where you read that, sir, but it's false. Coffee doesn't provide a false positive. None of the tests I do here check for caffeine."

"Oh, so you do do the tests there yourself?"

Whoops. My bad.

"No, sir, I misspoke. I do only collections here, not tests. And I never see the results. And coffee does not appear on drug tests."

"I read it on the internet, and you need to stop screwing with me. I lost a job because of you!"

Internet? Obviously this clown is kidding.

"Can you tell me the address of the article?"


"I want to read the same article you read, about coffee providing false positives on drug tests. Hold on a second, I'll open my laptop."

"I don't have time for this. I lost a job and I couldn't even get my kid a Halloween costume because your test is [expletive deleted] up and you would rather screw around on the computer than do your job."

"Once you tell me the address of the site where you found the article, I can work from the same information base as you. I expect it's from a peer-reviewed scientific journal?"

"...it was on an anti-drug test website alright? I don't have time for this, you just want to screw around. I don't believe that I lost a job and you don't even care. I should have you fired so you know how it feels."

Anti-drug test websites. Ah yes. I know them well. I wonder if he read the one that sells the dehydrated urine or the one that sells the fake penises?

"To be technical, sir, you didn't lose the job. You can't lose a job you didn't have in the first place. And I doubt I'll get fired from mine -- I don't drink coffee."

As Mr. Coffee jumps into his next string of excuses and obscenities, I watch a woman clamber up to my door from the parking lot. I have to end this phone call. And I was having such fun, too.

"Sir, I have to go. Feel free to call the main office to ask about your results and have me fired. Bye-bye."

I hang up on the guy mid-sentence.

My next free moment, I dig through my paperwork and find Mr. Coffee's collection. It was for one of my Gold Service clients, which means I have his pre-screen results sitting here. Of course, I don't have the official lab results -- just the ones from the little eyedropper kit.

Non-negative for marijuana and cocaine.

Must have been some coffee. Juan Valdez would have been proud.

I imagine if you were to inject pure caffeine directly into your blood stream, it could foul up a drug test. Of course, you'd also be too dead to care.

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